Strong Muscles

Abs Workouts at Home for Women

3 Effective Home Workouts for Your Back

Most women prefer working at home as it can be a hassle to work out at a gym. After all, it is an effort to travel to the gym, look for parking place and wait for a machine to get free. Well, you can stay motivated to do some exercise at home, particularly abs exercises. Get ready to develop some persistence and regularity in your exercises in order to get results. The good news is that with a really simple abs routine, you can get a body that you were looking for. Let us take a look at some of the very best abs routine for women. What very woman is looking for is an ‘hourglass’ shape and not a squared one, like men. Most women know that they are doing a lot of abs exercise, but are not very sure if they are doing the right thing. And, when they do not get the results, they become even more confused.

Below are some simple and easy but effective abs exercises for women.

The overhead crunch

Get a pile of firm cushions and lay down and place the cushions at your middle back. Keep your arms extended overhead and keep them as high as possible and keep your biceps glued to your ears. Lower under control until your fingers touch the floor almost and for 4 seconds. Hold in the upper position for 2 seconds and repeat for 10 repetitions

The plank

This is one of the most effective exercises for achieving a flat stomach as it works all the muscles in your core. The ‘six-pack muscles’ are rectus abdominus that you can see, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominus hips, and back. A 10-minute plank workout is much more useful than an entire hour of crunches. Planks actually help in burning more calories as they work on muscles in the legs, arms, and the butt too. This is the best body toner for the women.

Start and bend your elbows, keeping your weight on your forearms and hold for 30 seconds.

When it comes to working out, it has been found that women prefer working out at home. There are different gyms, where one will come across an array of devices and equipment. However, just follow the above mentioned exercises for abs at home to get some fantastic results.  Do the above exercises regularly and take a clean and healthy diet to get an effective cardio routine you have been looking for at home and as a woman.